Thursday, November 18, 2010

REDD+: Key issues for Cancun

The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)'s briefing Paper (November 2010) provides a climate watch checklist of key issues for Cancun negotiations. These include shared vision; adaptation; climate finance; technology transfer; reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+); and post-2012 emissions reduction targets.

This IIED briefing paper notes that for REDD+ is a 'hot' issue at Cancun that has been steadily gaining ground since 2005. This is in relation to lack of consensus on how to set up, and implement REDD+. Hence the negotiating text on this remains bracketed.

Some specific issues within REDD+ that still require consensus before a global climate deal can be reached include:

- Rights of indigenous people and forest dependent communities - if these are not respected and protected, indigenous communities may find that they do not reap any of the potential poverty reduction, sustainable development or ecological benefits from REDD+ payments. This seems especially cruel given that indigenous populations are often stewards of the forests, supporting ecosystems services, biological conservation and the maintenance of longstanding cultures.

- Market mechanisms, including approaches that rely on economic incentives, market forces, or financial mechanisms to encourage regulated entities to reduce emissions, discharges and waste generation, or generally improve environmental performance;

- Eligibility criteria that determine how funding is allocated to forest-related activities.

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