Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cancun for WHO and for WHAT ?

As the world warms up to the forthcoming Climate talks in Cancun - Mexico (November / December 2010), there are looming and silent questions about who owns this process after all. From an African perspective, the impact of climate change goes on, while news of progress (?) in international negotiations is splashed on our faces day in day out.

At the end of the day, given the highly publicized Copenhagen talks and its outcome, many people would like to know whether their Government delegates have the necessary clout to stand by the options that can enable them jump form the vulnerability that climate change has brought into their lives. Also they need to see more actions and commitments from the rich polluters in this vein.

I will be attending the Cancun Conference in Mexico and I am starting to blog in my mind: What ought to be good news that I can relay back home? Are the delegations ready to represent the views and aspirations of the people of Northern Ghana, Pakistan, Kenya or Uganda that are at the front line of the climate change effects? Will delegations from the rich countries listen better than talking?

In a nutshell, is there anything such vulnerable people can expect out of Cancun or not?

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